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Plz Help...用Treap打的程序 但是WA掉了...Program Pku2761; Type Ttree=^Tt; Tt=record v,k,p,s:longint; l,r,f:Ttree; end; Var ans:array[1..500]of longint; p:array[1..1000]of longint; q:array[0..500,1..4]of longint; t,v:Ttree; n,m:longint; Procedure Initialize; Var i,j:longint; Begin readln(n,m); for i:=1 to n do read(p[i]); for i:=1 to m do begin readln(q[i,1],q[i,2],q[i,3]); q[i,4]:=i; end; End; Procedure Sort(l,r:longint); Var i,j,k,h:longint; Begin i:=l; j:=r; k:=q[(i+j) div 2,1]; h:=q[(i+j) div 2,2]; while i<=j do begin while (q[i,1]<k) or ((q[i,1]=k) and (q[i,2]<h)) do inc(i); while (q[j,1]>k) or ((q[j,1]=k) and (q[j,2]>h)) do dec(j); if i<=j then begin q[0]:=q[i]; q[i]:=q[j]; q[j]:=q[0]; inc(i); dec(j); end; end; if l<j then Sort(l,j); if i<r then Sort(i,r); End; Procedure Ins(t:Ttree); Begin if t^.v>v^.v then begin if t^.l<>nil then Ins(t^.l) else begin new(t^.l); t^.l:=v; t^.l^.f:=t; end; end else begin if t^.r<>nil then Ins(t^.r) else begin new(t^.r); t^.r:=v; t^.r^.f:=t; end; end; t^.s:=1; if t^.l<>nil then t^.s:=t^.s+t^.l^.s; if t^.r<>nil then t^.s:=t^.s+t^.r^.s; End; Procedure Find(t:Ttree;j:longint;var v:TTree); Begin if t=nil then begin v:=nil; exit; end; if (t^.v=p[j]) and (t^.p=j) then begin v:=t; exit; end; if t^.v>p[j] then Find(t^.l,j,v); if t^.v<p[j] then Find(t^.r,j,v); if t^.v=p[j] then begin Find(t^.l,j,v); if v<>nil then exit; Find(t^.r,j,v); end; End; Procedure Right(g,f,ff:Ttree); Begin g^.r^.f:=f; if f<>nil then f^.l:=g^.r; g^.r:=f; f^.f:=g; g^.f:=ff; if ff<>nil then if f=ff^.l then ff^.l:=g else ff^.r:=g; f^.s:=1; if f^.l<>nil then f^.s:=f^.s+f^.l^.s; if f^.r<>nil then f^.s:=f^.s+f^.r^.s; g^.s:=1; if g^.l<>nil then g^.s:=g^.s+g^.l^.s; if g^.r<>nil then g^.s:=g^.s+g^.r^.s; End; Procedure Left(g,f,ff:Ttree); Begin g^.l^.f:=f; if f<>nil then f^.r:=g^.l; g^.l:=f; f^.f:=g; g^.f:=ff; if ff<>nil then if f=ff^.l then ff^.l:=g else ff^.r:=g; f^.s:=1; if f^.l<>nil then f^.s:=f^.s+f^.l^.s; if f^.r<>nil then f^.s:=f^.s+f^.r^.s; g^.s:=1; if g^.l<>nil then g^.s:=g^.s+g^.l^.s; if g^.r<>nil then g^.s:=g^.s+g^.r^.s; End; Procedure Turn(g:Ttree); Begin while (g^.f<>nil) and (g^.k>g^.f^.k) do begin if g=g^.f^.l then Right(g,g^.f,g^.f^.f) else Left(g,g^.f,g^.f^.f); end; if g^.f=nil then t:=g; End; Procedure Del(j:longint); Var f:Ttree; Begin Find(t,j,v); f:=v^.f; f^.s:=f^.s-1; if (v^.l=nil) and (v^.r=nil) then begin if f<>nil then if f^.l=v then f^.l:=nil else f^.r:=nil else t:=nil; exit; end; if v^.l=nil then begin if f<>nil then if f^.l=v then f^.l:=v^.r else f^.r:=v^.r else t:=v^.r; v^.r^.f:=f; t^.f:=nil; exit; end; if v^.r=nil then begin if f<>nil then if f^.l=v then f^.l:=v^.l else f^.r:=v^.l else t:=v^.l; v^.l^.f:=f; t^.f:=nil; exit; end; if f<>nil then begin v^.l^.f:=f; if f^.l=v then begin f^.l:=v^.l; v:=v^.r; Ins(f^.l); end else begin f^.r:=v^.l; v:=v^.r; Ins(f^.r); end; end else begin t:=v^.l; t^.f:=nil; v:=v^.r; Ins(t); end; Turn(v); End; Procedure Print(t:Ttree;i,j:longint); Var k:longint; Begin if t^.l<>nil then k:=t^.l^.s else k:=0; if i=k+1 then begin ans[q[j,4]]:=t^.v; exit; end; if i<k+1 then Print(t^.l,i,j) else Print(t^.r,i-k-1,j); End; Procedure Main; Var i,j,h,tt:longint; Begin randomize; Sort(1,m); new(t); t^.v:=p[1]; t^.k:=random(1000); t^.p:=1; t^.s:=1; t^.l:=nil; t^.r:=nil; h:=1; tt:=1; for i:=1 to m do begin for j:=tt+1 to q[i,2] do begin new(v); v^.v:=p[j]; v^.k:=random(1000); v^.p:=j; v^.s:=1; v^.l:=nil; v^.r:=nil; Ins(t); Turn(v); end; tt:=q[i,2]; for j:=h to q[i,1]-1 do Del(j); h:=q[i,1]; Print(t,q[i,3],i); end; for i:=1 to m do writeln(ans[i]); End; Begin Initialize; Main; End. Followed by:
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