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分享刘汝佳大神的代码,英文是刘汝佳大神的注释,中文是我自己加的注释#include<cstdio> #include<cstring> #include<cctype> #include<queue> using namespace std; const int maxs = 20; const int maxn = 150; /// 75% cells plus 2 fake nodes const int dx[]= {1,-1,0,0,0}; /// 4 moves, plus "no move" const int dy[]= {0,0,1,-1,0}; inline int ID(int a, int b, int c) { return (a<<16)|(b<<8)|c;///由于int 类型保存8个字节,所以这个操作将a放到了最前面的8个字节,b放到了中间的8个字节,c放到了最后的8个字节 } int s[3], t[3]; /// starting/ending position of each ghost int deg[maxn], G[maxn][5]; /// target cells for each move (including "no move").deg 表示出度,存储能够前进的方向 inline bool conflict(int a, int b, int a2, int b2) { return a2 == b2 || (a2 == b && b2 == a);///第一个表示a,b进入同一空格,第二个表示2者交换位置 } int d[maxn][maxn][maxn]; /// distance from starting state int bfs() { queue<int> q; memset(d, -1, sizeof(d)); q.push(ID(s[0], s[1], s[2])); /// starting node d[s[0]][s[1]][s[2]] = 0; while(!q.empty()) { int u = q.front(); q.pop(); int a = u>>16, b = (u>>8)&0xff, c = u&0xff;///&0xff表示取最后的8个字节 if(a == t[0] && b == t[1] && c == t[2]) return d[a][b][c]; /// solution found for(int i = 0; i < deg[a]; i++) { int a2 = G[a][i]; for(int j = 0; j < deg[b]; j++) { int b2 = G[b][j]; if(conflict(a, b, a2, b2)) continue; for(int k = 0; k < deg[c]; k++) { int c2 = G[c][k]; if(conflict(a, c, a2, c2)) continue; if(conflict(b, c, b2, c2)) continue; if(d[a2][b2][c2] != -1) continue;///判断是否被访问过 d[a2][b2][c2] = d[a][b][c]+1; q.push(ID(a2, b2, c2)); } } } } return -1; } int main() { int w, h, n; while(scanf("%d%d%d\n", &w, &h, &n) == 3 && n) { char maze[20][20]; for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) fgets(maze[i], 20, stdin); /// extract empty cells int cnt, x[maxn], y[maxn], id[maxs][maxs]; ///cnt is the number of empty cells cnt = 0; for(int i = 0; i < h; i++) for(int j = 0; j < w; j++) if(maze[i][j] != '#') { x[cnt] = i; y[cnt] = j; id[i][j] = cnt; if(islower(maze[i][j])) s[maze[i][j] - 'a'] = cnt; else if(isupper(maze[i][j])) t[maze[i][j] - 'A'] = cnt; cnt++; } /// build a graph of empty cells for(int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { deg[i] = 0; for(int dir = 0; dir < 5; dir++) { int nx = x[i]+dx[dir], ny = y[i]+dy[dir]; /// "Outermost cells of a map are walls" means we don't need to check out-of-bound if(maze[nx][ny] != '#') G[i][deg[i]++] = id[nx][ny];///出度+1,指向空格区域 } } /// add fakes nodes so that in each case we have 3 ghosts. this makes the code shorter if(n <= 2) { deg[cnt] = 1; G[cnt][0] = cnt; s[2] = t[2] = cnt++; } if(n <= 1) { deg[cnt] = 1; G[cnt][0] = cnt; s[1] = t[1] = cnt++; } printf("%d\n", bfs()); } return 0; } Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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