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又是说答案错误了!是怎么回事啊,我想了很多遍了哦。能否给我多些测试用例。麻烦了。各位高手!我真的投降了!#include<iostream.h> #include<fstream.h> #define MaxLength 61 fstream fin("in.txt",ios::in); char In[MaxLength]; int input[MaxLength],result[MaxLength]; bool cyclic=false; int length; int temp; /////////////////end(bool r) void end(bool r) { if(!r) cout<<In<<" is not cyclic"<<endl; else cout<<In<<" is cyclic"<<endl; } /////////////////judge() bool judge() { /* int j; cout<<"input:"; for(j=length-1;j>=0;j--) cout<<input[j]; cout<<endl; cout<<"result:"; for(j=length-1;j>=0;j--) cout<<result[j]; cout<<endl; */ int r1=0,i1=0,t=0; for(t=0;t<length;t++) { if(result[0]==input[t]) { r1=1; i1=t+1; i1%=length; while(result[r1]==input[i1]) { if(r1==(length-1)) { return true; } r1++; i1++; i1%=length; } } } return false; } ///////////////// void main() { // fin>>In; cin>>In; // cout<<In<<endl; int i,j; for(i=0;In[i]!='\0';i++) ; length=i;//the number of digit of the data inputed // cout<<(int)'0'<<endl; for(j=0;j<length;j++) { i--; input[j]=In[i]-48; // cout<<input[j]; } input[j]='\0'; // cout<<endl; for(i=length;i>=2;i--) { result[0]=0; // cout<<"i:"<<i<<endl; for(j=0;j<length;j++) { temp=result[j]+input[j]*i; result[j]=temp%10; result[j+1]=temp/10; // cout<<result[j]; } //cout<<endl; if(result[j]!=0) { cout<<"here?"<<endl; end(false); return; } /* for(j=length-1;j>=0;j--) cout<<result[j]; cout<<endl; */ // result[j]='\0'; cyclic=judge(); if(!cyclic) { // cout<<"here?"<<endl; end(false); return; } } end(true); } Followed by:
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