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这题太恶心了……插头dp,有8种情况,13种转移,各种特判,写了两个多小时终于a掉了……贴一下代码,给wa的人一个参考……ctrl+a+ctrl+c+ctrl+v+alt+s的人自重>_< const all=1048575; type pack =record state,len:longint; end; queue=object private q:array[0..all] of pack; private hash:array[0..all] of longint; private place:array[0..all] of longint; private head,tail,curid:longint; private function exist(const key,len:longint):boolean; public procedure clear(); public procedure init(); public procedure insert(const key,len:longint); public function gethead():pack; public function empty():boolean; public procedure update(); end; pointer=^queue; function make_pair(const x,y:longint):pack; begin with make_pair do begin state:=x; len:=y; end; end; function queue.exist(const key,len:longint):boolean; begin if hash[key]=curid then begin if len<q[place[key]].len then q[place[key]].len:=len; exit(true); end else begin hash[key]:=curid; place[key]:=tail; exit(false); end; end; procedure queue.clear(); begin inc(curid); head:=0; tail:=0; end; procedure queue.init(); begin curid:=0; fillchar(hash,sizeof(hash),0); clear(); end; procedure queue.insert(const key,len:longint); begin if exist(key,len) then exit; q[tail]:=make_pair(key,len); inc(tail); end; function queue.gethead():pack; begin gethead:=q[head]; inc(head); end; function queue.empty():boolean; begin exit(head=tail); end; procedure queue.update(); var i:longint; begin for i:=head to tail-1 do q[i].state:=q[i].state<<2; end; var LAST,CURT:pointer; map:array[0..10,0..10] of longint; procedure lemon(); var n,m,i,j,x,ps,len,left,down,ans:longint; tmp:pack; temp:pointer; begin fillchar(map,sizeof(map),255); readln(n,m); if (n=0)and(m=0) then halt; for i:=1 to n do for j:=1 to m do begin read(x); case x of 0: map[i,j]:=0; 1: map[i,j]:=-1; 2: map[i,j]:=1; 3: map[i,j]:=2; end; end; CURT^.clear(); CURT^.insert(0,0); for i:=1 to n do begin for j:=1 to m do begin temp:=LAST; LAST:=CURT; CURT:=temp; CURT^.clear(); while not LAST^.empty() do begin tmp:=LAST^.gethead(); ps:=tmp.state; len:=tmp.len; left:=ps>>((j-1)<<1) and 3; down:=ps>>(j<<1) and 3; if map[i,j]=-1 then begin if (left=0)and(down=0) then CURT^.insert(ps,len); continue; end; if (left=0)and(down=0) then begin if map[i,j]=0 then begin CURT^.insert(ps,len); if (map[i,j+1]<>-1)and(map[i+1,j]<>-1) then begin x:=ps+(1<<((j-1)<<1))+(1<<(j<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); x:=ps+((1<<((j-1)<<1))<<1)+((1<<(j<<1))<<1); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; end else begin if map[i+1,j]<>-1 then begin x:=ps+map[i,j]*(1<<((j-1)<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; if map[i,j+1]<>-1 then begin x:=ps+map[i,j]*(1<<(j<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; end; continue; end; if (left<>0)and(down=0) then begin if map[i,j]=0 then begin if map[i,j+1]<>-1 then begin x:=ps-left*(1<<((j-1)<<1))+left*(1<<(j<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; if map[i+1,j]<>-1 then CURT^.insert(ps,len+1); end else begin if left<>map[i,j] then continue; x:=ps-left*(1<<((j-1)<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; continue; end; if (left=0)and(down<>0) then begin if map[i,j]=0 then begin if map[i+1,j]<>-1 then begin x:=ps-down*(1<<(j<<1))+down*(1<<((j-1)<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; if map[i,j+1]<>-1 then CURT^.insert(ps,len+1); end else begin if down<>map[i,j] then continue; x:=ps-down*(1<<(j<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; continue; end; if (left<>0)and(down<>0) then begin if left<>down then continue; if map[i,j]=0 then begin x:=ps-left*(1<<((j-1)<<1))-down*(1<<(j<<1)); CURT^.insert(x,len+1); end; continue; end; end; end; CURT^.update(); end; ans:=maxlongint; while not CURT^.empty() do begin tmp:=CURT^.gethead(); if (tmp.state=0)and(tmp.len<ans) then ans:=tmp.len; end; if ans=maxlongint then writeln(0) else writeln(ans-2); end; begin {$IFNDEF ONLINE_JUDGE} assign(input,''); reset(input); assign(output,'3133.out'); rewrite(output); {$ENDIF} new(LAST); LAST^.init(); new(CURT); CURT^.init(); while true do lemon(); end. Followed by:
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