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时间竟然高达313MS才AC,如何优化?const MAXN = 100; type statetype = record com,cnt : longint; end; var M,N,size,upperlim,i,j,k,l,fl0,fl1,ans,tmp,newer : longint; state : array[1..1 shl 10] of statetype; dp : array[0..1,1..1 shl 10,1..1 shl 10] of longint; map : array[-1..MAXN] of longint; ch : char; procedure DFS(now,curr,cnt : longint); var lowbit : longint; begin repeat if now = 0 then begin inc(size); state[size].com := curr; state[size].cnt := cnt; exit; end; lowbit := now and -now; DFS((now xor lowbit) and not (lowbit shl 1) and not (lowbit shl 2),curr or lowbit,cnt+1); now := now xor lowbit; until false; end; begin // assign(input,''); reset(input); // assign(output,'cannon.out'); rewrite(output); readln(N,M); for i := 1 to N do begin for j := 0 to M-1 do begin read(ch); if ch = 'H' then map[i] := map[i] or (1 shl j); end; readln; end; upperlim := (1 shl M)-1; map[-1] := 0; map[0] := 0; size := 0; DFS(upperlim,0,0); filldword(dp[0],size,-1); dp[0][size][size] := 0; for i := 1 to N do begin fl1 := i and 1; fl0 := fl1 xor 1; filldword(dp[fl1],size,-1); for j := 1 to size do if state[j].com and map[i-2] = 0 then for k := 1 to size do if (state[k].com and map[i-1] = 0) and (state[j].com and state[k].com = 0) and (dp[fl0,j,k] <> -1) then begin tmp := state[j].com or state[k].com; for l := 1 to size do if (state[l].com and map[i] = 0) and (state[l].com and tmp = 0) then begin newer := dp[fl0,j,k]+state[l].cnt; if newer > dp[fl1,k,l] then dp[fl1,k,l] := newer; end; end; end; fl1 := N and 1; ans := 0; for i := 1 to size do if state[i].com and map[N-1] = 0 then for j := 1 to size do if state[j].com and map[N] = 0 then if (state[i].com and state[j].com = 0) and (dp[fl1,i,j] > ans) then ans := dp[fl1,i,j]; writeln(ans); close(input); close(output); end. Followed by: Post your reply here: |
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