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Michelle's Evaluation
Time Limit: 5000MSMemory Limit: 131072K
Total Submissions: 1647Accepted: 115


After years of toil designing and evaluating varieties of complex networks, Michelle, an elite engineer, has recently made the decision to develop an assistant software to help herself out.

Consider a network built up with undirected water supply pipes each connecting a pair of junctions that supply or consume water. A shortcut of length L is defined as a sequence of  L distinct junctions such that two junctions are adjacent in the network if and only if they are adjacent in the sequence. A network is regarded speedy if there is no shortcut with a length greater than three.

Now, please try to work out an efficient solution for Michelle to determine whether a network is speedy or not.


The input contains exactly one test case given as specified below:

Line 1Two integers N (1 < N < 1,200) and M, which are the numbers of junctions and pipes, respectively.
Line 2 – M + 1Two integer A and B (1 ≤ A, BN) on each line, describing a pipe connecting junctions A and B.

You can assume that there exists a path between any two junctions.


Output “Yes” if the network is speedy, otherwise print “No”.

Sample Input

4 4
1 2
2 3
3 4
4 1

Sample Output



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